Laptop Graphic Card Performance & Game Benchmarks
Sometimes you might feel confused about the performance of a gaming laptop when playing computer games. The following list of GPUs is sorted by the approximate performance in games (via benchmark). The fields contain the nVIDIA GeForce GTX series. If frame rates are sufficient for fluent gaming (>25 FPS), the field will be painted green.
GTX 1070
GTX 1060
30Fluent – Based on all known benchmarks using the specified graphical settings, this game should run at, or above 25fps.
40Fluent – Based on all known benchmarks using the specified graphical settings, this game should run at or above 35fps.
May Run Fluently – This graphics card has not been explicitly tested on this game. Based on interpolated information from surrounding graphics cards of similar performance levels,
fluent frame rates are expected.
Original source from Notebookcheck .
Terms and conditions:
  • Gaming performance may be noticeably slower on systems paired with slower CPUs.
  • The testing result might vary according to different specification of laptop, the environment, and the efficiency of CPU.
  • Whereas the testing result was carried out in April of 2016, the new games launched after the allotted time, will be excluded in our testing scope.